In review of Philippians 3:9 it reminds me that, “I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith” (NLT).
No amount of law keeping, self-improvement, discipline, or religious effort can make me right with God. Righteousness comes only from God, and I am made righteous (receive right standing with him) by trusting in Christ. He exchanges my sins and shortcomings for his complete righteousness. Paul gave up everything in order to know Christ and his resurrection power. I, too, have access to this same knowledge and power, but I will need to make sacrifices to enjoy it fully. So, what am I willing to give up in order to know Christ? A crowded schedule in order to set aside a few minutes each day for prayer and Bible study? Other’s approvals? Some of my plans and pleasures? Whatever it may be, knowing Christ is more than worth the sacrifice.
Legalism will rob me of happiness. It’s the attitude that I have to prove my love to God, which means I have to make sure I do everything exactly right. It’s thinking I have to follow rules and regulations and restrictions in order to prove myself worthy. One of the consequences of being legalistic is that I then force the same expectations on others, thinking they also have to prove their worth to God.
Legalism will suck my your life dry of happiness. It sucks churches dry of happiness. Everybody’s just there out of duty or guilt.
How do you know when I’m being legalistic? It’s when I’m judgmental of other people. How do you know when I’m living by grace? It’s when I’m gracious to others. Those who live by grace often find it easier to forgive because they recognize that God continues to forgive them.
I’m told that when I finally realize there’s nothing I can do to make God love me more, it is one of the most liberating feelings in the world. And it is a key to happiness. Every day, I should remind myself of God’s grace, and then relax in it.
In summary, I can't count on my own righteousness through just obeying the law, rather I become righteous through faith in Christ. God's way of making me right with him depends on faith. Nothing I do can make me righteous. It only comes from God by my trusting in Christ. For he'll exchange my sins and shortcomings for his complete righteousness. I must however make sacrifices to enjoy it fully. I need to give up things in order to know Christ. Legalism will such my life dry of happiness. I'm being legalistic when I'm judgmental of others. I need to practice graciousness to others. Those who live by grace often find it easier to forgive because they recognize that God continues to forgive them. I need to realize there is nothing I can do to make God love me more. It is a key to happiness. I need to remind myself of God's grace, and then relax in it.
Even though I trust in God’s grace, I still find myself forgetting this and getting caught up in what’s happening in life and the feeling of being pushed more activities than are possible. I need to remind myself what Christ has done for me and realize that I am helpless to save myself. Today’s devotional also reminds me that when I feel that others are against me, that I need to learn to practice grace with them. I pray this morning Father that your Spirit reminds me of your grace you provide and how I in turn should practice grace to others. I ask you for your wisdom and guidance for my day, my leadership and my interactions with others. I ask this through your Son Jesus name.