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Friday, August 11, 2023

When I Help Others Grow, I Grow Too

In Romans 1:12 it says, “I want us to help each other with the faith we have. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you.” (NCV)

God has wired me so that when I help other people grow, God helps me grow. My fastest growth comes when I’m in fellowship with other believers and encouraging each other’s commitment to following Jesus Christ.

The Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:7, “Keep yourself in training for a godly life” (GNT). I do this by staying in a small group, and getting a spiritual partner. Is it always easier to exercise when I’m doing it with somebody else? In the same way, I need someone to walk alongside me through my journey of faith, and I need to make the same commitment to others.

The world today doesn’t push us to commit to much of anything. It’s all about getting what I want right now. What I want can change from day to day, so the world says to just start going after something new each day, whether that’s a hobby, a job, a ministry, or even a person.

Nothing affects my life more than my commitments. What I’m committed to, will shape what I’m going to be in 20 years, because I’m becoming whatever you are committed to. Commitments shape my life! And if I’m not committed to anything, other people are shaping my life.

My commitments not only affect here and now; they also affect eternity, because every choice I make has eternal consequences. That’s why the Bible says in Romans 1:12, “I want us to help each other with the faith we have. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you” (NCV).

This is why I need a church family, and a small group. When Christians commit to each other, we encourage each other to stay on track and keep our other commitments. We help each other out!