In 1 Corinthians 2:9 I read, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (NLT)
God has amazing plans for me! But if I’m not connected to him, I’ll lose out on everything he wants to do in my life.
Yesterday I looked at two things people lose when they’re spiritually lost: their direction and protection. Today I’ll look at a third thing. The loss of potential.
My potential to do good things in the world is dramatically limited when I’m disconnected from God.
It’s a lot like coins. Put enough of them together, and they have great potential for good. I could feed a family, start a business, or even save a life. But I can’t do any of those good things if the coins are lost.
The story of the lost coin in Luke 15:8-10 is a good example of this. It’s about a woman who has 10 valuable coins. But, somehow, one of them gets lost. She doesn’t say, “I’ve got nine coins, so I’m not going to worry about the lost one.” Instead, she turns her house upside down to look for it and celebrates when it’s finally found.
Just because her coin was lost doesn’t mean it had lost its value. It still had great value! But what it lost was its potential to do any good.
God made me, to do great things, far greater than I could possibly imagine. In fact, if God showed me what he wants to do with my life when I completely place it in his hands, it would be astounding!
The Bible says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT).
Maybe I’ve been disconnected, and I think it’s too late for him to use me. It’s not too late! He’s my Creator. He sees me as highly valuable, and he knows my potential.
If I surrender every part of my life to him today, I’ll start to see all the things he has prepared for me come to life.
In summary, God has amazing plans for me! But if I’m not connected to him, I’ll lose out on everything he wants to do. Yesterday I looked at two things people lose when they’re spiritually lost: their direction and protection. Today I’ll look at a third, the loss of potential. My potential to do good things is dramatically limited when I’m disconnected from God. It’s a lot like coins. Put enough of them together, and they have great potential for good. But I can’t do any of those good things if the coins are lost. The story of the lost coin is a good example of this. A woman who has 10 valuable coins. One of them gets lost. She turns her house upside down to look for it and celebrates when it’s finally found. Just because her coin was lost doesn’t mean it had lost its value. What it lost was its potential to do any good. God made me, to do great things, far greater than I could possibly imagine. Maybe I’ve been disconnected, and I think it’s too late for him to use me. It’s not. He’s my Creator. He sees me as highly valuable, and he knows my potential. If I surrender every part of my life to him today, I’ll start to see all the things he has prepared for me come to life.
I cannot imagine all that God has in store for me, both in this life and for eternity. He will create a new heaven and a new earth, and we (including myself) will live with him forever. Until then, his Holy Spirit comforts and guides me. Knowing the wonderful and eternal future that awaits me gives me hope and courage to press on in this life, to endure hardship, and to avoid giving in to temptation. This world is not all there is. The best is yet to come.