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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Learn to Be Wise and Wait for the Whole Story

In Proverbs 18:13 I read, What a shame—yes, how stupid!—to decide before knowing the facts!" (TLB)

To be wise in today’s information saturated society, I need two vital qualities: sound judgment and discernment. That means I learn God’s wisdom from God’s Word and then apply it to everything. I filter information and make decisions through what God has told me to do in Scripture.

Too many gullible Christians are willing to believe anything they hear or read on social media, whether that’s a news story or gossip about a friend. They don’t stop and question; they just automatically accept anything that fits within their bias.

I shouldn’t throw away my common sense. I shouldn’t be gullible and believe everything I hear. That causes conflict.

Proverbs 3:21 says, ”Do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion” (NIV).

Just like it’s important to get an accurate picture of things I see or hear online, I also need to get an accurate picture in my relationships. Without all the information I need, jumping to conclusions leads to quick tempers and arguments. To lower the anger factor and have harmony with others, I must learn to reserve judgment until I know all the facts and understand the whole story.

Instead, choose to “preserve sound judgment.” Hold onto it. Don’t quickly throw it out or get rid of it. Keep a firm grip on it, as if the health of your relationships depends on it—because it does!

The Bible says, “What a shame—yes, how stupid!—to decide before knowing the facts!” (Proverbs 18:13 TLB)

Don’t be quick to condemn or criticize. Don’t assume I know people’s motivation, because I probably don’t. Don’t decide before knowing all the facts.

When I wait for the whole story, I develop the compassion to love well and become more like Jesus.

In summary, its a shame and stupid to decide before knowing all the facts. In order to be wise in today’s information saturated society, I need two vital qualities: sound judgment and discernment. I learn God’s wisdom from God’s Word and then apply it to everything. I filter information and make decisions through what God has told me to do. Too many (including myself at times) are willing to believe anything they hear or read on social media. I don’t stop and question; I just automatically accept anything that fits within my bias. But this verse reminds me that I shouldn’t throw away my common sense, be gullible and believe everything I hear. Just like it’s important to get an accurate picture of things I see or hear online, I also need to get an accurate picture in my relationships. Without all the information, jumping to conclusions leads to quick tempers and arguments. I need to learn to reserve judgment until I know all the facts and understand the whole story. Instead, choose to “preserve sound judgment.” Hold onto it. Don’t quickly throw it out or get rid of it. Keep a firm grip on it, Don’t be quick to condemn or criticize. Don’t assume I know people’s motivation, because I probably don’t. Don’t decide before knowing all the facts. When I wait for the whole story, I develop the compassion to love well and become more like Jesus.

So I need to get the facts before making any decision. Seek additional information. There are three basic principles for making sound decisions: (1) Get the facts before making any decision; (2) be open to new ideas; (3) make sure I hear both sides of any story before judging. All three of these things center around seeking additional information. This is difficult work, but the only alternative is prejudice, judging before getting the facts.