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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Jesus Came to Light Up My Life

In 1 John 2:8 I read, The darkness in our lives disappears and the new light of life in Christ shines in.” (TLB)

Why does God talk so much about light in the Bible? Because God is light. When he is Savior and Lord of my life, the light of his love gives me hope in the dark days: “The darkness in our lives disappears and the new light of life in Christ shines in” (1 John 2:8 TLB). 

Am I ready to exchange my darkness and the dark days I’m going through for God’s light? This is what Christmas is all about! Jesus came to light up my life.

Jesus didn’t come alive at Christmas. He has always existed, because he’s God: “Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God” (John 1:1 TLB). Jesus has been in existence for eternity. He created everything. Eternal life is in him, and this life gives light to all mankind. His life is the light that shines through the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.

When I try to live my life without God, I live it in the dark. It’s why things don’t make sense, because I don’t have the illumination of the Holy Spirit at work in my life. It’s why I’m burdened with negative emotions. It’s why I’m not healed of the brokenness in my life. And it’s why I stopped growing.

This Christmas, it’s time to flip the switch and let the light of Christ into my life, not just for my dark days but for all my days.

To trade darkness for light in my life? I Pray, “Dear God, I’ve had many dark days in my life, and I know now that I need your light in my life. I need your light to heal me, guide me, comfort me, and warm me. I confess that I have sinned against you, and I ask for your forgiveness. I need your light to help me grow. As much as I know how, Jesus Christ, I open my life to the light of your love. I want to accept you as God’s Christmas gift to me. I want to learn to follow you and trust you. And I humbly ask you to accept me into your family by grace, not because I deserve it but because I put my faith in your love and your light. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

In summary, I need to allow the darkness in my life to disappear and the new light of life in Christ shine in. God is light. When he is Savior and Lord of my life, the light of his love gives me hope in the dark days. Am I ready to exchange my darkness and the dark days I’m going through for God’s light? This is what Christmas is all about! Jesus came to light up my life. Jesus has always existed, because he’s God. Jesus has been in existence for eternity. He created everything. Eternal life is in him, and this life gives light to all mankind. When I try to live my life without God, I live it in the dark. It’s why things don’t make sense. It’s why I’m burdened with negative emotions. It’s why I’m not healed of the brokenness in my life. And it’s why I stopped growing. It’s time to flip the switch and let the light of Christ into my life, not just for my dark days but for all my days. “Dear God, I’ve had many dark days in my life, and I know now that I need your light in my life. I need your light to heal me, guide me, comfort me, and warm me. I confess that I have sinned against you, and I ask for your forgiveness. I need your light to help me grow. As much as I know how, I open my life to the light of your love. I want to accept you as God’s Christmas gift to me. I want to learn to follow you and trust you. And I humbly ask you to accept me into your family by grace, not because I deserve it but because I put my faith in your love and your light.”

The commandment to love others is both old and new. It is old because it comes from the Old Testament. It is new because Jesus interpreted it in a radically new way. In the Christian church, love is not only expressed by showing respect; it is also expressed through self-sacrifice and servant-hood. In fact, it can be defined as "selfless giving," reaching beyond friends to enemies and persecutors. Love should be the unifying force and the identifying mark of the Christian community. Love is the key to walking in the light, because I cannot grow spiritually while I hate others. Our growing relationship with God will result in growing relationships with others.