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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Peace with People Follows Peace with God

In 1 Timothy 2:5 I read, There is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” (NIV)

When I have conflict, focus on reconciliation, not resolution.

There’s a big difference between those two words. Reconciliation means re-establishing the relationship. Resolution means resolving every issue.

In most cases, resolution isn’t going to happen, there are some things I’ll just never agree on.

Can I have a loving relationship without agreeing on everything? Absolutely. But it takes wisdom. When I’m wise, I learn to disagree without being disagreeable; I learn to walk hand in hand without having to see eye to eye.

One of the greatest things I can do with my life is be a bridge builder, not a wall builder. I am most like Jesus Christ when I’m reconciling people. That’s exactly what Jesus came to do! God sent Jesus to Earth to reconcile humanity with God.

Jesus is the great reconciler. The Bible says, “There is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5 NIV).

But I cannot make peace with others until I make peace with God. If I find yourself in constant conflict, ask whether I’ve made peace with God. I can make peace with God by repenting of my sins and dedicating my life to serving him.

The Bible calls Jesus the Prince of Peace. Peace with God leads to peace with myself, which leads to peace with others.

In summary, there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus. When I have conflict, I need to focus on reconciliation, and not resolution. Reconciliation means re-establishing the relationship. Resolution means resolving every issue. In most cases, resolution isn’t going to happen. Can I have a loving relationship without agreeing on everything? Absolutely. But it takes wisdom. When I’m wise, I learn to disagree without being disagreeable; I learn to walk hand in hand without having to see eye to eye. One of the greatest things I can do with my life is be a bridge builder, not a wall builder. I am most like Jesus Christ when I’m reconciling people. That’s exactly what Jesus came to do! God sent Jesus to Earth to reconcile humanity with God. Jesus is the great reconciler. I cannot make peace with others until I make peace with God. I make peace with God by repenting of my sins and dedicating my life to serving him. Peace with God leads to peace with myself, which leads to peace with others.

I was separated from God by sin and I need a Savior, a way across the abyss of sin and back to God. Only one person can be my mediator and can stand between myself and God and bring me back together with him. Jesus, who is both God and man. Jesus' sacrifice brought new life to all people. I need to continue to let him bridge the gap between myself and God.

Father, I need you. Please give me Your strength for today and remind me in little ways that I can believe in, have faith and can trust you in everything, including being the authority for my life, my self-worth and my future. You have my best interests in mind. Help me to embrace the way you’ve made me; my gifting and passions. I want to serve and fulfill the mission you have in mind for me. Father, help me to be a peacemaker / reconciler. I also ask you for wisdom and guidance in this for my day, my work, my leadership, my interactions with others, my preparation for my future job role and for leading a small group. I ask and pray these things through you Son Jesus’ name, Amen.