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Friday, May 7, 2021

Embracing My Past Experiences: Good and Bad

In Deuteronomy 11:2 I read, "Remember today what you have learned about the LORD through your experiences with him.” (GNT)

I need to embrace the experiences of my life; the good ones, the bad ones, the shameful ones, the happy ones, and the sad ones.

Galatians 3:4 says, “Were all your experiences wasted? I hope not!” (NCV).

I shouldn’t run away from my past! Because of pain, many ignore, discount, or resent their past. Also I don’t need to revise my past and make up stories; being happier dealing with the lie than with the pain of the experience.

When I stop running from a painful past, God can use every experience in my life for good. Maybe I wasn’t that popular in school, maybe I wasn’t the most successful at business, so what? They are my experiences. Don’t deny them, own them.

Deuteronomy 11:2 says, “Remember today what you have learned about the Lord through your experiences with him” (GNT).

The best way to remember the lessons and experiences of my life is to keep a journal. This isn’t like keeping a diary. A diary is a record of what I did: “Today I went to the store and bought milk.”

A journal is different. I don’t need to write in a journal every day. But every time I learn an important lesson, I write it down so that I won’t forget it: “That was painful. I learned this lesson the hard way, and I don’t want to forget it.”

There are many ways to keep a journal. One possible way is to use a notebook, where you write down the date and your prayer concerns on the left page. Then, on the right page, write down the life lessons you learn and what God says to you.

Keeping a journal will help me remember what I’ve learned about God. That way, even in the dark times of my life, I’ll be encouraged and know that God is still working for my good.

In summary, remember what I have learned about the LORD through my experiences with him. Learn to embrace the experiences of my life; the good, bad, shameful, the happy ones, and the sad ones. All of my experiences were not wasted. So I shouldn’t run away from my past!  When I stop running from a painful past, God can use every experience in my life for good. The best way to remember the lessons and experiences of my life is to keep a journal. Every time I learn an important lesson, I write it down so that I won’t forget it. Keeping a journal will help me remember what I’ve learned about God. That way, even in the dark times of my life, I’ll be encouraged and know that God is still working for my good.

In the book of Deuteronomy, I’m reminded that Israel had strong reasons to believe in God and obey his commands. They had witnessed many mighty miracles that demonstrated God's love and care for them. Even with all that, they still had trouble remaining faithful. Fortunately I have the Bible, the written record of God's acts throughout history. Reading it gives me a panoramic view of both the miracles Israel saw and others they didn't see. Lessons from the past, the instructions for the present, and the glimpses into the future give me many opportunities to strengthen my faith in God.

Father, I need you. Please give me Your strength for today and remind me in little ways that I can believe in, have faith and can trust you in everything, including being the authority for my life, my self-worth and my future. You have my best interests in mind. Help me to embrace the way you’ve made me; my gifting and passions. I want to serve and fulfill the mission you have in mind for me. Therefore, I ask you for wisdom and guidance in this for my day, my work, my leadership, my interactions with others, my preparation for a future job role and for leading a small group. I ask and pray these things through you Son Jesus’ name, Amen.