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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Start Thinking About What it is I’m Doing or Thinking About

In Proverbs 14:15 I read, Fools will believe anything, but the wise think about what they do.” (NCV)

What I’m learning is that every behavior is based on a belief. If I act scared, it’s because I believe scary thoughts at that moment. If I act resentful, it’s because I believe I’ve been devalued, and so I’m going to defend myself. If I’m acting prideful, it may be because I believe I’m not good enough, so I’m trying to compensate by being boastful.

If there is a behavior in my life I don’t like, I need to go to the source and change the thought behind it. God says in Haggai 1:5, “Carefully consider your ways!” (GW).

Ask yourself: Why do I act that way with this person, at work or home? What thought triggered that response? What assumption is behind that action? What belief is beneath that behavior?

Something in a moment can tap into an unspoken belief. I may believe I haven’t been heard, or that my idea isn’t being given validation, or I’m not being treated with respect. I believe something that suddenly triggered an emotional response.

In a situation like these, I need to ask: What am I believing right now? I’ll need to examine the beliefs beneath my behavior. The Bible says in Proverbs 14:15, “Fools will believe anything, but the wise think about what they do” (NCV).

To grow in any area of life, examine what’s going on in my mind. Start thinking about what it is I’m thinking about, so my thoughts can lead to healthy, purposeful action.

In summary, only fools will believe anything. But a wise person will think about what it is they do. Every behavior is based on a belief. Act scared, it’s because I believe scary thoughts, act resentful, it’s because I believe I’ve been devalued, acting prideful, because I believe I’m not good enough, so I compensate by being boastful. If there is a behavior in my life I don’t like, I need to go to the source and change the thought behind it. Ask, what belief is beneath this behavior? Something in a situation or a moment can tap into an unspoken belief. I may believe I haven’t been heard, or that my idea isn’t being given validation, or I’m not being treated with respect. I believe something, and it suddenly triggered an emotional response. In a situation like these, ask: What am I believing right now, then examine the beliefs beneath this behavior. To grow, examine what’s going on in my mind. Start thinking about what it is I’m thinking about, so my thoughts can lead to healthy and purposeful action.

Father, I thank you for this verse and the notion that like a wise person, I must think about what it is I do and not go into a foolish autopilot. Father, I pray with the help of the Holy Spirit, that he helps remind me of this so that I can take a better course of action. I also ask you for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership and my interactions with others. I pray for your will to be done as it relates to my next job role, so that I can serve you, people and your mission. These things I ask in your Son Jesus’ name, amen.