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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

How I Treat Others

In looking at Luke 6:31, I read  Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (NIV)

The Jews despised the Romans because they were oppressed by them. But Jesus told them to love these enemies. Jesus was talking about an act of will. It takes conscious effort. Loving an enemy or someone who serves me, means acting in their best interests. How am I treating those who I feel have opposition or lack of care for me? I can pray for them and I can think of ways to help them. Grant my enemies the same respect and rights I desire for myself.  

One of the greatest tests of my character is how I treat people, especially the ones who are trying to serve me. Whether it’s a waitress, a waiter, a clerk, an employee, a secretary, my children, or my spouse, how I treat them tells a great deal about me.

Jesus tells me, “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31 NIV). That may be the simplest yet most important character test in the Bible.

Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength. It takes no intelligence at all to be rude.

Courtesy is just love in the little things. It’s showing respect for people by being kind even in the smallest areas of our lives.

In summary, do to others as you would have them do to you. This means loving those who oppose me. Jesus is speaking about an act of will. It takes conscious effort. Loving an enemy or someone who serves me, means acting in their best interests. How can I treat those who I feel have opposition or lack of care for me or the ones who serve me? I can pray for them and I can think of ways to help them. This means granting my enemies the same respect and rights I desire for myself.  One of the greatest tests of my character is how I treat people. How I treat them tells a great deal about me. Jesus tells me to, “Do to others as you would have them do to you”. That may be the simplest yet most important character test in the Bible. Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength. Courtesy is just love in the little things. is showing respect for people by being kind even in the smallest areas of our lives.

This review of this verse has helped to highlight the present situations where I have the most trouble being courteous. If my character was being judged by the way I treat others, my enemies and the ones who serve me, I think I’d fail. Father, I pray for the help of the Holy Spirit to provide more respect and love for my enemies, amen.