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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Commit to Living by My Values

In Hebrews 11:26 I read, Moses regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.” (NIV)

This book of Hebrews has a critical message for me. I shouldn't forfeit eternal rewards for temporary benefits. Just like Moses did, I too need to be willing to make sacrifices now for greater rewards later.

Follow the pattern set by Moses: Choose to be who God wants me to be. Choose short-term pain for long-term gain. And choose God’s values, not the world’s.

For this reason, God was able to use Moses.

Hebrews 11:26 says, “He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward” (NIV).

Moses had clarified what mattered most to him.

So what values matter most in my life? The top things I value are integrity, humility, serving and generosity. Since those are the things that matter the most, then they are the things I need to live by everyday. 

Moses chose God’s values over the world’s values. Why is this so important? Because if I don’t decide what’s most important in my life, others will decide for me. They’re going to push me into their mold. And I’m going to live life by their values, and not mine.

So I need to settle on what’s most important to me and then live by those values.

In summary, Moses regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, He was looking ahead to his future reward. I should follow his example and not forfeit eternal rewards for temporary benefits. I need to be willing to make sacrifices now for greater rewards later. So, I need to choose to be who God wants me to be. Choose short-term pain for long-term gain. And choose God’s values, not the world’s. The top things I value most are integrity, humility, serving and generosity. Moses chose God’s values over the world’s values. This is so important because if I don’t decide what’s most important in my life, others will decide for me. They’ll push me into their mold, and I’ll end up living life by their values, and not mine. So settle on what’s most important to me and then live by those values.

While I like to think these values are the most important, I have to admit that I don’t always live them out. I can get wrapped up in myself. I often wait for the right conditions to share, or serve. I’m not always as humble as I should be. Father, I pray now that with the help of the Holy Spirit and your Son Jesus, that I can live out these values more and more each day as I attempt to fulfill your mission for me. I ask you for wisdom and guidance. I thank you for this time off not having to worry about any work responsibilities. I pray these things in your Son Jesus’ name, amen.