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Monday, June 8, 2020

Real Faith is More Than Words

In review of James 2:14 I'm reminded, What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone?” (NLT)

I may claim to have faith, but what I may have is only intellectual assent and agreement with a set of Christian teachings. This is incomplete faith. True faith will transform my conduct and my thoughts. If my life remains unchanged, then I don't truly believe the truths that I claim to believe.

There are a lot who say they are Christian. And, yet, many of these people appear to live according to their own rules, not by trusting in God’s Word. What they say about their faith and how they choose to live don’t line up. Real faith is more than just the words they say.

Just because I say I have faith doesn't mean it’s true. This is what James is addressing in today’s verse: what’s the use in saying you have faith, if it doesn’t show up in the way you live and the things you do?

James isn’t saying I am saved by my works. The Bible is clear that I am saved by faith in Jesus, nothing more and nothing less. But my attitudes and actions should be evidence of our faith.

This is the difference between a fake faith and a real faith. In this time of pandemic and upheaval, my faith must be real. My response to these events should come from my faith and not fears. This is a time to put my faith into action.

There are thousands of promises from God in the Bible. I need these promises to stay stable and strong right now. But to access those promises, I need to fully trust God. That’s the kind of faith that will lead to answered prayers and a changed life. It’s a faith that will save you.

I can know I have real faith, one that will stand up to life’s biggest pressures when I look at my actions and see if they back up what I say I believe.

As you do that, remember the Good News is there is no condemnation in Christ. If my faith hasn’t been real, then tell that to God

In summary, what good is it, if I say I have faith but don’t show it by my actions? I may claim to have faith, but what I may have is only intellectual assent and agreement with a set of Christian teachings. This in of itself is an incomplete faith. True faith will transform my conduct and my thoughts. If my life remains unchanged, then I don't truly believe the truths that I claim to believe. Just because I say I have faith doesn't mean it’s true. In this time of pandemic and upheaval, my faith must be real. My response to these events should come from my faith and not fears. This is a time to put my faith into action. I can know I have real faith, one that will stand up to life’s biggest pressures when I look at my actions and see if they back up what I say I believe. Remember the Good News is that there is no condemnation in Christ. If my faith hasn’t been real, then tell God. Be honest and repent.

Father, this morning I confess and admit that I do not always live my life according to the things I believe. I want to do that starting right now, so that you can transform my life and use it for your purposes. 

I pray today for the Holy Spirit’s help in reminding me of my thoughts and choices and to check if they are in line with what I truly believe. I ask for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my tasks, my leadership and my interactions with others. I pray these things in your Son Jesus name, Amen.