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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A Journey of Lifelong Learning Starts with a Choice

In review of Proverbs 23:12 it tells me to Commit yourself to instruction; listen carefully to words of knowledge.” (NLT)

I am more likely to gain knowledge if I'm willing to listen. It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to pay attention to what others have to say. If I'm eager to listen then I will continue to grow throughout my life. If I refuse to become set in my ways, I can always expand the limits of my knowledge.

The journey of lifelong learning starts with a choice. It’s a choice only I can make. It’s an incredibly important decision that’ll impact your entire life. My education didn’t stop when I graduated. God has so much more he wants to teach me. My education should never end.

And learning isn’t just a stage of life. It is my life! God wants me to learn something new every day. So start working on learning a new skill. God wants me to grow. I should be and can be different and better a year from now than I am today.

It’s in my best interest to do so. Lifelong learning will make me a better leader, a better parent, a better spouse, and a better friend. It’ll make me more effective in my job. It brings both success and profit.

The Bible says, “If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success” (Ecclesiastes 10:10 NIV). If I’ve got an ax with a dull blade and I’m chopping wood, it’ll take a lot more energy to do the job. If my ax is sharp (which represents skill in this verse), then it doesn’t take as much effort. The Bible is saying to work smarter, not necessarily harder. I’m never wasting time when I’m sharpening my ax.

In summary, I need to commit myself to instruction; to listen carefully to words of knowledge. I am more likely to gain knowledge if I'm willing to listen. It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to pay attention to what others have to say. If I refuse to become set in my ways, I can always expand the limits of my knowledge. The journey of lifelong learning starts with a choice. It’s a choice only I can make. My education didn’t stop when I graduated. God has so much more he wants to teach me. Learning isn’t just a stage of life. Lifelong learning will make me a better leader, a better parent, a better spouse, and a better friend. It’ll make me more effective in my job. It brings both success and profit. If I’ve got an ax with a dull blade, it’ll take a lot more energy to do the job. Learning is much like having a sharpened saw. So work smarter, not necessarily harder. I’m never wasting time when I’m sharpening my ax (learning).

I know that I personally have struggles in listening to what others may be saying. Deep down I feel I know better and have done what I know is best. During my past few quiet times, I’m hearing God tell and even warn me to be a better listener and to respect what others may be saying or trying to teach me.

I pray this morning Father, for the Holy Spirit to remind me of these things. I also ask for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership and my interaction with others. I pray these things through your Son Jesus Name, Amen.