Friday, May 29, 2020
Humility Is a Choice
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Don’t Miss the Warning Signs of Pride
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Learning to Give God the Credit, So People Look to Him
In review of Daniel 2:27-28 I read, “There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or fortune-tellers who can reveal the king’s secret. But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and he has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the future. Now I will tell you your dream and the visions you saw as you lay on your bed.” (NLT)
Before Daniel told the king anything else, he gave credit to God, explaining that he did not know the dream through his own wisdom but only because God revealed it. How easily I can take credit for what God does through me! This robs God of the honor that he alone deserves. Instead, I should be like Daniel and point others to God so that I give him all the glory.
Over the last few days, I’ve seen what Daniel did when facing an impossible situation in Daniel 2. The king had asked him to interpret a tough dream. It almost got the king’s wise men killed because they couldn’t explain what the dream meant.
The stakes were high! But Daniel followed a terrific process that can help me, too: Don’t panic, and then get the facts. Ask for more time. Gather prayer partners. Ask God for supernatural help. Worship God. And, use what you’ve learned to save others.
We also see that when God showed up, Daniel used the opportunity to point others to God.
Daniel didn’t take credit for the amazing answer to the king’s dream. He knew God had given him the answer. So he was honest about that.
If I were a 17-year-old boy and I did something to make the king happy, I’d be tempted to take a bit of the credit. Daniel did the praying. He did the listening. He did the obeying.
Instead of taking the credit, Daniel pointed people to God.
If I do this as well, God will bless me. God will do great things through a person who doesn’t care who gets the credit.
The Bible says the pagan king told Daniel, “Truly, your God is the greatest of gods, the Lord over kings, a revealer of mysteries, for you have been able to reveal this secret” (Daniel 2:47 NLT).
If I spend my life pointing people to God, miracles can happen.
In summary, there are no wise men who can reveal what God knows. It's our God in heaven who reveals secrets. Daniel gave credit to God, explaining that he did not know through his own wisdom, but only because God revealed it. How easy it is to take credit for what God does through me! When I do, this robs God of the honor that he alone deserves. Instead, I should be like Daniel and point others to God so that I give him all the glory. Daniel was honest about where the answer came from. Rather than taking the credit for himself, Daniel pointed people to God. If I spend my life pointing people to God, miracles can happen. If I spend my life pointing people to God, miracles can happen.
Father, I have to admit and ask for forgiveness for the times when I took credit and didn’t acknowledge you as the source. I need to learn to shape my mindset so that I can recognize and see that every good thing I receive is a gift from you.
I pray Father that with the help of the Holy Spirit in my life that I truly give credit and point others to you as the source. My life should not be about me, but rather about you. I ask Father for wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my leadership, and my interactions. Allow me to work humbly for those I work for, knowing that it's you that I ultimately work for. I pray these things through your Son Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Learn to Help Others with What God Has Taught Me
Friday, May 22, 2020
Learning to Make the Right Decision, Not Just a Fast One
In review of Hebrews 11:26 it says, “[Moses] regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, beca...
In 1 Peter 4:10 it says, “Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good servants of God’s various gifts of grace.” (NCV) W...
In Genesis 37:5, 10 it says, “Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more . . . When he told his fa...