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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

When I’m Not Sure What to Do? I Can Use the Integrity Test.

In review of Proverbs 10:9 I read, Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.” (NIV)

When it comes to making decisions, big or small, the Bible offers plenty of wisdom. One principle it offers over and over again is what can be referred to as “the Integrity Test”.

When making a decision, ask, “Would I want everyone to know about this decision?”

If the thought of other people finding out about my decision worries me, then I’m probably making the wrong decision. Bad decisions lead to secrecy, and that kind of secret always leads to pain in life.

The Bible says: “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out” (Proverbs 10:9 NIV).

Notice it doesn’t saymight be found outor even “probably will be found out.” It will be found out!

I’m about to make a bad choice. I know it’s wrong, but think, “I’ll go ahead and do it because no one will ever know.” Then, as soon as the decision is made, I think, “Somebody’s going to find out!” And feel the fear that comes from that. That’s when I’ve violated the Integrity Test.

When I have integrity, my public and private life match. What’s in my heart is the same as what other people see on the outside. What I say and what I do are in harmony.

The truth is, when it comes to integrity, I may be able to fool everyone else, but I can’t fool myself. And if I violate my own conscience, I end up paying for it.

James 4:17 says, “Knowing what is right to do and then not doing it is sin” (TLB).

So when considering or making a decision, ask myself: Can I do this with a clear conscience?

Violating my conscience is a big mistake. God will forgive me for the wrong I do. But forgiveness doesn’t free me from the consequences of bad decisions.

I can be forgiven and still have regrets. I can be forgiven and still face pain. I can be forgiven and still have broken relationships.

Many decisions I make are clear-cut. But what about those where it’s harder to know right from wrong? The Bible speaks to that, too: “If someone believes it is wrong, then he shouldn’t do it because for him it is wrong” (Romans 14:14 TLB).

It’s simple: When in doubt, don’t. Whatever is not from faith in my life is sin.

The next time I’m faced with a decision, follow the Integrity Test. Ask: Am I okay with other people finding out about this decision? Can I make this choice with a clear conscience? Do I believe this is wrong?

God’s given me the wisdom of the Bible and my conscience because he loves me. The Integrity Test will help keep me on the path that God knows is for my good.

In summary, Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out. Ask, "would I want everyone to know about this decision?" Today's verse doesn't say, might be found out, but rather, will be found out. When I have integrity, my public and private life match. What's in my heart is the same as what other people see on the outside. Knowing what is right to do and then not doing it is a sin. So, when in doubt, don't. God has given me the wisdom of the Bible and my conscience because he loves me. The integrity test will help me keep on the path that God knows is for my good.

Father, living with integrity in my life is a key goal I set for myself a long time ago. It would often be easier to find the short way out or do something I think will benefit me only and not think about the impact it has. I pray this morning for your help and the assistance of the Holy Spirit to keep this integrity test in mind as I approach decisions or take actions. I also pray for your wisdom and guidance for my day, my work, my activities and my interactions with others. I ask this through your Son Jesus name, Amen!