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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Love Looks, and Love Listens

In review of Romans 15:7 it says, Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God” (NIV).

Welcoming and accepting means taking people into my home as well as into our hearts, sharing meals and activities, and avoiding racial and economic discrimination. I need to go out of my way to avoid favoritism. Consciously spend time greeting those I don't normally talk to, minimize differences and seek common ground for fellowship. In this way I am accepting others as Christ has accepted me, and in it God is given glory.
What God does for me, he wants me to do for others.

God accepts me unconditionally. That doesn’t mean he approves of everything I do, but he accepts me, no matter what I’ve done. And God says he wants me to act similarly toward everybody in my life.

The highest form of love is focused attention. One of the ways I demonstrate acceptance to others is to look at them and listen to them. When I look someone in the eye, I’m declaring that they matter to me.

Love looks, and love listens. When somebody comes in and drops something off at your desk, do I say anything to them? When somebody serves me something at a restaurant or a clerk helps me in a grocery store, do I look them in the eye and say, “Thank you”? It may seem like a small thing. But when I give someone my attention, even for just a moment, I am affirming their value as a person and showing that I accept them.

The Bible says in Romans 15:1, “We must bear the ‘burden’ of being considerate of the doubts and fears of others” (TLB).

Acceptance means I listen to others’ fears and doubts. We all have them! When people have doubts about God, I need to first listen and show that it doesn’t change my love or acceptance. Why? Because this is how God loves me. When I doubt, God’s love does not change. When I’m fearful and unwilling to trust, God still accepts me. This is how he wants me to love people.

Loving like Jesus means I accept other people the way Jesus accepts me. And when his love flows through me, it’s possible for me to love others unconditionally.

In summary, I need to accept others, just as Christ has accepted me. When I do this brings praise to God. Welcoming and accepting means taking people into my home as well as into my heart, sharing meals and activities, and avoiding favoritism. Spend time greeting those that I don't normally talk to, and seek common ground for fellowship. What God does for me, he wants me to do for others. The highest form of love is focused attention. I can demonstrate this by looking at them and listening to them. Love looks, and love listens. When I give someone my attention, even for just a moment, I am affirming their value as a person and showing them that I accept them. Acceptance means I listen to others' fears and doubts. First listen and demonstrate that it doesn't change my love or acceptance. Loving like Jesus means I accept others the way Jesus accepted me. When I let his love flow through me, it's possible for me to love others unconditionally.

This morning Father I pray with the help of the Holy Spirit that I am reminded of this today and allow it to affect the way I think about and approach people. I also ask you for wisdom and guidance for my day, my tasks and activities, my leadership and my interaction with others. These things I ask through your Son Jesus name, Amen.