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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

How to Be a Wise Manager

In review of Luke 16:1 it tells me,Once there was a rich man who had a manager to take care of his business. This manager was accused of cheating him.” (NCV)

My use of money is a good test to the lordship of Christ, for: 1). Money belongs to him, not me, so I need to use it wisely. 2). Money can be used for good or evil; so use what I have for good. 3). Money has a lot of power, so use it carefully and thoughtfully. I must use my material goods in a way that will foster my faith and obedience

I don’t really own anything. What I did think I owned is only on loan. I didn’t own it before I was born. I’m not going to own it after I die. It all belongs to God, and he just loans it to me for a while.

In Luke 16 Jesus told a parable about a man who let a manager take care of his property. Likewise It seems we’re all in management. Everything I have is a gift from God, and he gives it to me for a while to steward. He wants to see that I’m going to wisely manage what belongs to him. God wants to see if I’ll be a good manager of his property.

When I start looking at everything in my life as being on loan, then a lot of my worry will disappear. I’m going to lose a lot of my worry when I rely on God to give me wisdom for the things he’s entrusted to me.

Here’s the thing: If I’m in charge and I’m the master of my fate, then I’ve got to pay for it all. I’ve got to worry about where the resources are going to come from. But if I trust in God as his child and see myself as a manager, not the boss, then I’m not responsible for figuring out how to pay for it all. I’m just an employee or steward. God’s the employer. He’s ultimately in charge of the benefits package.

The first verse in this story says, ““Once there was a rich man who had a manager to take care of his business. This manager was accused of wasting God’s Money and cheating him.” (Luke 16:1 NCV). 

Anytime I waste money, I’m wasting God’s resources. Understanding that truth will change the way I buy! Seeing money as God’s will change the way I think. Seeing myself as just a manager and not the owner will change my life and allow me to make the most of what I’ve been given.

In summary use of money is a good test of my stewardship of God's resources. It all belongs to him. It can be used for good or evil, and has lots of power. I need to use what I have in a way that will foster my faith and obedience. I don't own anything, it's all on loan from him. Everything I have is a gift from God that he gives to me to steward. He wants to see that I'm going to manage wisely what belongs to him. When I waste resources, I'm wasting what belongs to him. 

Today, I will consider how I’m taking care of what he has entrusted to me. Even what I do for a living is a stewardship. I need to continue to manage well all that he has entrusted me. Today I pray for wisdom and guidance for my day, my tasks, my leadership, my resources and my interaction with others. I ask these things through you Son Jesus Name, Amen.