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Monday, November 4, 2019

Learn to Pray for It Before I Pay or Take Action On It

In review of John 16:24 it says, Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy will be the fullest possible joy” (NCV).

Jesus is talking about a new relationship between the believer and God. Previously, people approached God through priests. After Jesus' resurrection, any believer could approach God directly. A new day has dawned and now all believers are priests, talking with God personally and directly. I approach God, not because of my own merit, but because Jesus, my great High Priest, has made me acceptable to God.

God has promised to meet my needs. He’s just waiting for me to ask for his help! The Lord never shuts his storehouse until I shut my mouth.

One of the reasons I see so few miracles is because I don’t ask for them. In the past Instead of living a life based on Christ, I lived a life based on credit. When I had something I needed, instead of stopping and asking God for it, before we even think about asking God for it, I just used a credit card. I trusted credit instead of Christ.

If I want to see God work in my life, pray for it. I should be in the habit of praying about major purchases before I make them. Every time I rely on the use of credit or take action before praying about it, I’m short-circuiting a possible miracle in my life. Before I make a purchase based on credit or take action, learn to ask God about it first.

However, God is not a vending machine giving me everything I pray for. There are some things he does want to give me just to do a miracle in my life. Many have never had a financial answer to prayer because they’ve never prayed specifically.

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy will be the fullest possible joy” (John 16:24 NCV). God wants me to learn to ask for things in prayer, so that he can give them, and I’ll be full of joy. God is a loving Father. He’s not some ogre sitting in the sky, waiting to make my life a bummer. He wants to bless my life! I just have to ask.

In summary, if I ask in his name with the right heart, I can receive and have the fullest possible joy. After Jesus' resurrection any believer can directly approach God, there is no need for a priest. However, I approach God not based on my own merit but because Jesus my savior has made me acceptable to God. God has promised to meet my needs. He's just waiting for me to ask. The Lord never shuts his storehouse until I shut my mouth. To see God work in my life, I need to pray for it. God wants me to learn to ask for things in prayer, so that he can give them. He wants to bless my life. I only need to ask.  

This perspective relates not only to money but to anything in my life. It comes at a good time as I’m contemplating spending some money on a vacation. It’s also useful for just getting understanding on recent interest by the CEO on work my team does. I’m not sure what’s behind his inquiries. This morning Father I pray for your guidance and wisdom for the vacation I’d like for my wife and myself, and for the activities that are taking place at work. I need you wisdom for my work, my leadership and my interactions with others. These things I pray in your Son Jesus name, Amen.