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Thursday, September 12, 2019

My Integrity Shows My Faithfulness

In review of Luke 16:10 it reminds me that Whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones; whoever is dishonest in small matters will be dishonest in large ones” (GNT).

I would be wise to use the financial opportunities I have, not to earn heaven but to help people find Christ. If I use my money to help those in need or to help others find Christ, my earthly investment will bring eternal benefit. When I obey God's will, the unselfish use of possessions will follow

My integrity is often put on the line in money matters. God calls me to be honest even in small details I could easily ignore. Heaven's riches are far more valuable than earthly wealth. But If I’m not trustworthy with my money here (no matter how much or little I have), I will be unfit to handle the vast riches of God's Kingdom. I need to maintain my integrity in all matters, whether big or small.

It’s common today to hear people say, “What’s done in your private life is nobody’s business.” Well, that isn’t really true. What I do in my private life, behind closed doors or out of view of other people, builds and reveals my true character. And God sees it just as clearly as the things you do in public.

In fact, the small, unseen things I do are the seeds to God’s public blessing on my life. I cannot compartmentalize my life and say, “I have integrity in my public life, just not in my private life.” I bet you could make a list right now of public figures that have tried to live this way, only to have their private indiscretions lead to public scandal and personal downfall. No matter what they say, any leader who is not faithful in small matters will not be faithful in large matters.

This principle is nothing new. Jesus said, “If you have not been faithful with what belongs to someone else, who will give you what belongs to you?” (Luke 16:12 GNT).

For centuries, everybody who learned a skill, trade, or vocation learned it through an apprenticeship. If you were going to be a mechanic, you apprenticed to another mechanic and served in that person’s business before you started your own. As an apprentice, you had to be responsible with your master’s business before you were entrusted with your own.

This principle of apprenticeship applies to every area of life. It applies to how you handle other people’s money, how you handle other people’s possessions, and even how you handle other people’s ministry before God gives you your own. When no one is watching at my job, do I work diligently?

God is watching and testing my integrity. I show that I can be trusted with the big things by being faithful in the small things.

In summary, whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones. Likewise if you are dishonest in small matters, you will be dishonest in large ones. It would be wise for me to use my financial opportunities I have to help others find Christ or help them when they are in need. When I obey God's will, the unselfish use of my possessions will follow. Therefore, I need to maintain my integrity in all matters, big or small. The small, unseen things I do are the seeds to God's public blessing on my life. God is watching and testing my integrity. I show that I can be trusted with the big things by being faithful in the small things. 

I’m reminded this morning that God has entrusted me with many things, all of which he is using to test my integrity. There are many things in my work that I am responsible for. Often it’s overwhelming and I want to manage them well, it just seems that I don’t have enough time to properly do it. Perhaps this is some of the source of stress I feel, wanting to do my best but not having the proper time to do it. I think one of the other areas I need to continue to concentrate on is my health. I must continue to do the small things that matter. Today I pray Father for your help through your Holy Spirit to be with me and encourage me as I take the time to be faithful in the small things. I also ask for your wisdom and your guidance for my day, my work, my leadership, and my interaction and influence on others. Thank you for the love you have for me. I ask for help to be and do what you designed me to do. These things I pray through your Son Jesus name, amen.