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Monday, September 9, 2019

Living My Life As a Trust

In review of Matthew 25:21, it says Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (NIV).

Jesus will be coming back and this means that I need to use my time, talents, and treasures to diligently serve God completely in whatever I do. This also means that I should do my daily work out of love and obedience to Him.

I can't just think of myself and play it safe, nor should I make any excuses to avoid doing what God is calling me to do. Serving and making God my Master, means that I must obey him willingly. My time, abilities, and money are not mine, I'm only a caretaker, and not an owner. If I ignore this, squander, or abuse what I'm given, I'm only being rebellious. 

I’m reminded that the person who diligently prepares for Christ's return by investing their time and talents to serve God will be rewarded. If I go about life not having any heart for the work of the Kingdom, I will miss out on the rewards he wants to give me. God rewards faithfulness. Those who bear no fruit for God's Kingdom cannot expect to be treated the same as those who are faithful.

I’m also reminded this morning that I never really own anything during my brief time on earth. God just loans it to me while I’m here. The Bible says, “The world and all that is in it belongs to the Lord; the earth and all who live on it are his” (Psalm 24:1 GNT).

The first job God gave humans was to manage and take care of God’s “stuff” on earth. This role has never been rescinded. It is a part of my purpose today. Everything I enjoy is to be treated as a trust that God has placed into my hands.

Jesus often referred to life as a trust and told many stories to illustrate my responsibility toward God. In the story of the talents, a businessman evaluates each servant’s responsibility and rewards them accordingly. He says, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21 NIV).

At the end of my life on earth, I will be evaluated and rewarded according to how well I handled what has God entrusted to me. That means everything I do, even simple daily chores, has eternal implications

If I treat everything as a trust, God promises three rewards in eternity. First, I’ll be given God’s affirmation: He will say, “Good job! Well done!” Next, I will receive a promotion and be given greater responsibility in eternity: “I will put you in charge of many things.” Then I will be honored with a celebration: “Come and share your Master’s happiness.”

There will be no greater joy, and it is available to me for being a faithful steward of God’s gifts.

In summary, God affirms, rewards and honors my faithfulness. This means that I need to use my time, talents, and treasures to diligently serve him in whatever I do. I should do my daily work out of love and obedience to Him. What he gives me; my time, abilities and processions are not mine. I'm only a caretaker, and not an owner. God just loans it to me while I'm here. Everything I enjoy is to be treated as a trust that God has placed into my hands. Life is a trust, and I will be evaluated according to how well I handled what God has entrusted to me.  

In my own life, I truly want to be a good and faithful servant, and would love God to tell me this when I meet him face to face. I need to use what God has given me to serve and be of help to others. I need to really love and not be selfish. I pray this morning Father that you help encourage me to be responsible with what you have given me. This includes my health, my work, and my time. Help me to be of service to others and to make a difference in their lives for the positive. I ask for your wisdom and guidance today in my work, my leadership and my interaction with others. This I pray in your Son Jesus name, amen.