In review of Philippians 2:4 it reminds me, “Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others” (NCV).
Paul tells me to take the focus off of myself, and be interested in others and what's good for them. He encourages me to guard against any selfishness, prejudice, or jealousy that might lead to dissension. Showing genuine interest in others is a positive step forward in maintaining unity along with loving and being of service to others.
In my life; on the train, in a restaurant, in the mall or at work in a meeting. Many people (including myself) are sitting there looking at their phones and computers. Heads seem to be always down, engrossed in a video or game, and our earbuds keep us from hearing the people near us. It’s so easy to sit in a restaurant with friends or family, yet be more concerned about our “friends” or things on social media or email.
I live in a world where tools and technology have left not only me, but many perpetually distracted, and I/we no longer pay attention to those around us.
To develop happier relationships, I need to learn the lost art of paying attention. God’s Word in Philippians 2:4 reminds me, “Don’t just think about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and in what they are doing.” (TLB).
This doesn’t come naturally, especially for an introvert. Based on my nature, I may not care what others are interested in. Based on my nature, I’d rather focus my attention on me, not others.
What I’m learning is that the greatest gift I can give somebody is my attention because my attention is my time and my time is my life. I’ll never get it back, and that’s why it is so precious when I give it.
This is a simple but powerful tool in growing strong relationships. Am I interested in what my daughter / son-in-law or my grandchildren are interested in? Do I really listen to what my wife has to say? Do I give my coworkers my attention when they speak to me? Do I notice my neighbors as I walk by their home in the morning?
Learning the lost art of paying attention is an act of love. When I practice it, It will transform my relationships and help me live a happy life.
In summary, I need to take the focus off of myself, and be interested in others and what's good for them. Guard against selfishness, by showing a genuine interest in others in order to be loving and of service to others. As I look to Jesus example, he never looked down or passed up an opportunity to be interested in others. With my head down, I miss hearing from the people near me. I need to learn the lost art of paying attention. The greatest gift I can give somebody is my attention, because my attention is my time and my time is my life. Paying attention is an act of love. It will also help transform my relationships and help me live a happy life.
Having my head down buried into my phone/computer keeps me from having and developing relationships. It puts the focus on me and for things that are not going on right in front of me. I need to be conscience today of my tendency to do this. I need to lift my head up, and at least smile, allow any conversations to take place. I also need to keep my phone down when I’m out with others, or in situations when I’m with others around me. Today Father I pray that your Spirit will help remind me of this and allow me to get over my introvertedness and engage in being interested in others above myself. I ask for your wisdom and guidance for my day, my leadership and my interaction with others. These things I pray in your Son Jesus name, amen.
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