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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

My Job Is only a Channel, But God Is My Source

In review of Philippians 4:19, I'm reminded from Paul that, “My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (ESV).

Today’s verse comes from Philippians 4. I learn that this same God who took care of Paul will supply all my needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

This means that I can trust that God will always meet my needs. Whatever I need on earth he will always supply, even if it is the courage to face death as Paul did. Whatever I need in heaven he will supply. However, I must remember the difference between my wants and my needs. Most people, including myself, want to feel good and avoid discomfort or pain. I may not get all I want. But by trusting in Christ, my attitude and appetite can change from wanting everything to accepting his provision and the power to live for him.

So what am I putting my security in? Putting my trust in other things, such as my bank account, job, or my investments is a recipe for heartache, because these are all the things I can lose.

I need to put my trust and security in something that cannot be taken from me: God! If you want God’s blessing on my life, I have to depend on God’s wealth and not my own.

Here’s what the Bible says about God’s wealth: “My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 ESV).

My job shouldn’t be my security. My job is a channel, but God is my source. If I understand this, I’ll can have so much less stress in my life. 

If I turned on the faucet one day in my kitchen and no water came out, what would I do? Would I think, “Oh my; the world has run out of water, there’s no water coming out of the faucet, so there must not be any left in the whole world”?

Of course not. I’d know the problem is not with the source. There’s plenty of water in the world. The problem is the channel; it’s gotten blocked or turned off one way or another.

If one channel gets blocked in your life and the “faucet” stops working, God can turn on another faucet just as easily. If God closes a door in my life, he can open another. And if another door closes, he can open a window, and I can crawl through it.

God is not limited to my ability and capacity. My job is a channel. If I think that my job is what keeps me financially secure, I’m going to feel insecure my entire life. I’ve got to understand that God is the source of my supply, and I can depend on him to know exactly what I need and how to give it to me.

Jobs may come and go. Bank accounts rise and fall. Economies go up and down. Stock markets can go bull or bear. It doesn’t matter!

I can trust in God’s wealth for my security.

In summary, it is God who supplies all of my needs. I can trust him to meet them. There is a difference between wants and needs. I may not get all I want, but by trusting in Christ, my attitude and appetite can change from wanting everything to accepting his provision and the power I need to live for him. I need to put my trust and security in something that can not be taken away. I need to depend on God's wealth and not my own. My job should be my security, it's just a channel. God is my source. I can depend on him to know exactly what I need and how to give it to me. I can trust God's wealth for my security.

God you provide the provision I need. I need to make sure that my focus is on you as the source and that you will always provide. I’m only a steward of what you have provided and it's up to me to manage it well. I pray this morning Father that my focus remains on you as my source. I ask for your wisdom and guidance for how I handle what comes my way today. I pray this through your Son Jesus name, amen.