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Friday, February 1, 2019

How God Watches Over Me

In review of Psalm 23:6 it says, “Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever” (NLT).

Today’s verse is the last part of Psalm 23. It reminds me that God’s goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life, and afterwards I will live with you forever in your home.

As a believer I will ultimately dwell with the Lord. God, the perfect shepherd and host, promises to guide and protect me throughout my life. And I will be welcomed as his special guest in his "house" forever.

What I’m learning is that when King David declared that God’s goodness would pursue him, he wasn’t implying that, “Only good things are going to happen to me!” He knew as well as anyone that bad things happen to good people.

Instead, David was saying that only God’s goodness would follow after or pursue him. No matter how bad or evil or difficult something seems, God can work it out for good.

It’s one of God’s great promises that he’s given to believers: Everything that happens to us is working for my good, if I love God and are fitting into his plans (see Romans 8:28). If you’re a believer, the Bible says all things are working together for good, not that all things are good, but things are working together for good.

There is no difficulty, dilemma, defeat, or disaster in the life of a believer that God can’t ultimately turn toward his purpose.

Like goodness, God’s unfailing love follows us in life. King David says it pursues us!

Picture a parent following a little child around picking up after them. When we’re struggling with hurts, habits, and hang-ups, God is coming right alongside me, helping to pick up my messes and telling me that his unfailing love is always there.

So instead of entering into the future with a question mark, I can do it with an exclamation point! God will be with me no matter what happens. He will help me out: “Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalm 23:6 NLT).

God’s goodness will provide and protect.
God’s mercy (unfailing love) will pardon and forgive.
God’s goodness will supply.
God’s mercy will soothe.
God’s goodness will help.
God’s mercy will heal.
Goodness is the fact that God gives us good things in life that we don’t deserve. Mercy means God holds back the condemnation we deserve.

When King David said he would live in the Lord’s house forever, he was saying that God had prepared a place for him in heaven.

That’s one of the most important connections we see in the Bible. It connects yesterday with today and then connects them both with tomorrow.

God says, “I’ve got this great life planned for you, and surely goodness and mercy will follow you through it, but that’s not the end! I’ve got something else at the end!” God builds it to a crescendo.

So David ends his psalm by saying, “We’re going to heaven!” Jesus saves the best until last. With God it just keeps getting better and better. The best is yet to come. “Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands” (2 Corinthians 5:1 NIV).

Bottom Line:
Your goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life, and afterwards I will live with you forever in your home.

What this means to me:
I know that your goodness, unfailing kindness and love will be with me all through my life; and your house will be my home for eternity.

In summary, God's goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life, the afterwards, I will live with him forever in his house. His Goodness doesn't imply that only good things are going to happen to me. He knew that bad things happen to good people. Its that no matter how bad, evil or difficult things seem, God can work them out for my good. Everything that happens to me is working for my good. Like goodness, God's unfailing love also follows me. When I'm struggling, God is coming right alongside, helping to pick up my messes and telling me that his unfailing love is always there. God will be with me no matter what happens. He will help me out. God's telling me that I've got this great life planned out for me, and surely goodness and mercy will follow me through it, but that's not the end. He has something for me in the end, I get to live with him forever.

God I have certainly experienced you goodness and unfailing love in my life. I I know/recognize that the things that happen to me are for my good, to grow, train and strengthen me. Today I pray Father for your guidance and wisdom for my role at work, my leadership and my interaction with others. I also pray for guidance and assistance in decision making as I consider the steps outlined in Financial Peace University. Help me to know the right timing to implement them and for protection as I may end up using my reserves to free myself from debt sooner. These things I pray in your Son Jesus name, amen!