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Friday, July 20, 2018

Life Is About Relationship, Not About Things

In review of Psalm 17:15 it says, “But as for me, my contentment is not in wealth but in seeing you and knowing all is well between us. And when I awake in heaven, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see you face-to-face” (TLB).

Today’s verse comes from Psalm 17, where David makes a plea for justice in the face of false accusations and persecution. David urges us to realize the true goal of life, to know God, and the true reward of life, to see God one day.

In Psalm 17:5 it says, but as for me, my contentment is not in wealth but in seeing you and knowing all is well between us. And when I awake in heaven, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see you face-to-face

This passage reminds me that life is not about things. As such I need to maintain the right perspective about my possessions, otherwise I’ll end up being possessed by my possessions. I need to keep in mind that none of these material things are going to last.

Jesus says in Luke 12:15, “Watch out and guard yourselves from every kind of greed; because your true life is not made up of the things you own, no matter how rich you may be” (GNT).

Therefore I should never judge my self-worth by my net worth. Also I should never think my value is related to my valuables. I just need to realize that the greatest things in life aren’t things. I didn’t bring anything into the world, and I’m not taking anything out of it. Life is not about acquisition or achievement. Life is about relationships and learning how to love God and others.

The best way to remember that my life is not about things is to build my life on eternal priorities. I should focus on what will last forever. Every possession is temporary, so don’t build my life on acquiring possessions. Only two things are going to last forever: the Word of God and people.

I’ve got a choice to make. The world is telling me that I’ve got to get more to be happier, more successful, more important, more valuable, and more secure. I’ve got to decide if I’m going to listen to Madison Avenue or the Master. Am I going to listen to culture or Christ? Am I going to listen to the world or the Word?

One will make me dissatisfied the rest of my life; one will make me truly happy. Before I can move toward financial freedom, I have to ask myself, “What is the primary purpose of my life? To just get more? What do I think about, talk about, and give my most to? What am I living my life for?”

I may have a lot to live on, but do I have anything to live for? Do I have a relationship with God? The myth of the world is that I can have it all. The truth is that I can’t have it all. And more importantly, I don’t need it all to be happy. I’m as happy as you choose to be.

The secret of contentment is finding my security and my satisfaction not in what I have, but in whom I belong to. I’ll find it in Christ.

Psalm 17:15 says, “But as for me, my contentment is not in wealth but in seeing you and knowing all is well between us. And when I awake in heaven, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see you face-to-face” (TLB).

Bottom Line:
Contentment is not found in wealth but in having a relationship with God. In eternity you will be satisfied.

What this means to me:
I am learning that my contentment is not in what I have, but rather in knowing God and ultimately being able to see him.

In summary, the true goal of life is to know and have a relationship with God. My true reward with be to see God face to face in the future. I won't find contentment in things. Contentment will only come from my relationship with him. Life is about relationships and my learning how to love God and others. I need to build my life on eternal priorities. The only two things that will last forever is the Word of God and people.

Today Father I thank you for a day off and time to focus on the people who are most important in my life. I am attempting to focus on just enjoying what you have provided and on having a relationship with you. I pray Father that you help guide me and send the Holy Spirit to remind me of these things you have been teaching me. This I pray in your Son Jesus’ name, amen!