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Thursday, May 24, 2018

It’s a Matter of Trust

In review of Psalm 50:15 it says, “Trust me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory” (NLT).

Today’s verse comes from Psalm 50 where the psalmist speaks of the contrast between true and false faith. In verses 14-15, I am told to make thankfulness my sacrifice to God, and keep the vows I’ve made to the Most High. Then call on Him when I'm in trouble, and he will rescue me, and I will give Him glory for it.

God will judge people for treating him lightly. So, I should never just go through the motions, nor should I be hard hearted, speak evil and live immorally. God asks me for my genuine thanksgiving and trust, and he warns me to consider my actions, lest he destroy me in his anger. Overall God wants my heartfelt love and obedience and not empty rituals.

Often trust is difficult when I don’t always know what’s on the other end. Without trust I’m on my own, I try to do things under my own control and things don’t always work out well. Interestingly there are other things that I trust that I can’t see. I can’t see TV or radio was, but still I watch TV and listen to the radio. I don’t see cell phone waves, but still trust in and use my phone routinely.

It’s a selective trust. I trust what I want to trust. The question for me today is, “am I willing to trust in the One who is unseen but is more reliable and more dependable than any technology this world can create?  Am I willing to consistently commit my life to Him?

Today’s verse has three elements to it:
. Trust God in times of trouble
. He promises to rescue me, if I fully trust in Him
. Give him the glory for what He does in my life

Bottom Line:
Trust God in times of trouble, he will rescue you, and we will give him the glory.

What this means to me:
God tells me to trust him in times of trouble. He will rescue me and I will give him the glory for it.

In summary, I am to make thankfulness my sacrifice to God and keep the vows I have made. I can call on Him when I'm in trouble. He will rescue me. I should give Him glory for what he does in my life. And as I live my life, I shouldn’t just go through the motions, for God wants my genuine love, obedience, thanksgiving and trust and not empty sacrifices.

This morning I pray, “Dear God, forgive me for my pride and for thinking that I don’t need you in my life. I’m sorry. I admit that I need rescuing. I need saving. There is no way I can pay for my sins on my own. And so I’m asking you, Jesus, as much as I understand it, to rescue me and set me free. I am calling on you because you’ve said that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. I want to commit my life to you, and I want to learn to trust you and know you better. Give me the better life and set me free. Also, please give me clarity and the ability to sort through, prioritize and communicate with the team what is important. Allow me to communicate in love and care with those I interact with today. In your name I pray, Amen.”