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Friday, January 26, 2018

Committing What I Do To The Lord

In review of Proverbs 16:3 it says, “Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed” (NLT).

Bottom Line:
Commit what I do to the Lord. He will make you successful.

What this means to me:
I need to commit the things I’m doing to the Lord, ask him for guidance, obtain insight and to do well / persevere.  Then the plans I’ve made or involved with will be successful.

God is for my success in life; he created me for a purpose and wants me to succeed. It is God, my Creator, who will measure my success in life, and no one else. Knowing God is for me should change my whole perspective on life. He is not out to get me anytime I mess up.  Rather he welcomes me with open arms and forgiveness. This means I don’t need to be afraid of God, because God is for me.

There is no reason for me to be afraid of God. He will not try to make me feel guilty or lecture me. He’s not going to remind me of all the things I’ve done wrong. Jesus said, “I did not come into the world to condemn it, but to save it.” In effect, Jesus is telling, “I didn’t come to scold you; I came to save you.” So If God is for me, who can be against me!

So I need to follow the advice from Proverbs 16:3, and “Commit what I do to the Lord. For it is He who will make me successful”.

There are different ways I can fail to commit whatever I do to the Lord. First, I may commit superficially, saying its for the Lord, but in reality I'm only doing it for myself. Secondly, I can also give God temporary control of my interests, only to take control back the moment things don't go the way I expect. Lastly, I can also commit a task fully to the Lord, but put forth no effort myself, and then wonder why I didn't succeed.

This verse is a great reminder for me to evaluate the efforts I'm undertaking in my new job and the projects / items I'm working on. This morning I pray, “God I have a lot of new activities going on in my new job. I also have plans underway that were not mine with unrealistic deadlines. I have future plans I need to undertake as well. Right now I am committing these to you. I ask for your assistance to guide me. I will do my best on what’s in front of me as if I was doing them for you. Amen!”