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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

God Approves of Those Who Listen to Wisdom's Counsel.

In review of Proverbs 8:35 it says, “Whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord”

Bottom Line:
Whoever finds Wisdom, finds life and receives favor from the Lord.

What this means to me:
When I find wisdom, I find life and receive approval and favor from the Lord.

Today's passage comes from the last part of Proverbs 8. I it, I am encouraged by Wisdom to listen to her, for all who follow her ways are joyful. I am to listen to her instruction and be wise, don't ignore it. When I listen I’ll be joyful, watching for it daily at the gates, waiting for it outside my home! For if I find her, I find life and I'll receive favor from the Lord. But if I miss her, I'll end up injuring myself. All who hate wisdom, love death.

In Proverbs 8, Wisdom's call is contrasted to the call of the immoral woman. Wisdom is portrayed as a woman who guides us and makes us succeed. Wisdom was present at the creation of the world and works with the Creator. God approves of those who listen to Wisdom's counsel. Wisdom should affect every aspect of one's life; from beginning to end. In response I should be sure to open all the corners of my life to God's direction and guidance.

Today I’m also reminded that my own wisdom can become intellectual idolatry. The Bible says that God’s Word is truth. If I believe anything beyond the Word of God, I’m investing in a lie, plain and simple. As a believer, every answer I need for life is found in the Bible. Don’t lean on my understanding; rather lean on what God tells me is true.

Fear and doubt can sway me in the wrong direction and blow me off course. So I am to hold tight to the truth found in God’s Word. Cling to it like a life vest on a sinking ship when the storm is raging, and know that the promises found within the Scripture are always true. The Bible’s truths will not only set me free but can navigate a course that will make me a success story that shines light on the Savior... on my Source.

Right now, what I see in front of me is not the whole picture. Only God knows what is coming my way. Trust that He knows what is best, and continue seeking His will. He will never lead me in the wrong direction.