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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Only He Can Calm The Storm

In review of Psalm 107:29 it says, “He calms the storm, So that its waves are still.”

Bottom Line:
He calms the storm, stilling the waters.

What this means to me:
God has the power to calm raging weather, making things still.

Today's passage comes from psalm 107. This psalm praises God's works, recounts his blessing from righteous living, thanks God for his deliverance, and praises Him for his wonderful word. It is also a reminder that the best sacrifice I can offer to God is a faithful and obedient life.  My thankfulness to God should be always be in my heart and on my lips.

This psalm speaks of four different types of people in distress and how God rescues them: wanderers, prisoners, distressed/sick, and the storm-tossed. No matter how extreme the calamity, God is able to break through to help us. He is loving and kind to those who are distressed.

Fools and rebels surely bring trouble upon themselves. This psalm offers hope for those who have made a mess of their lives. By receiving God's free gift of forgiveness, anyone can begin a new life and break with the past. When I ask Christ to take control of my life, he will answer me. His love reaches even those who have rebelled against him.

Those who have seen God work in times of distress have a deeper insight into his loving-kindness. Since I have experienced great trials in my life, I have a great potential for great praise.

Often, what looked like a disappointment was simply God getting me into a position to see His greatness! Setbacks will always come out of the blue. What I’m learning is that I need to have faith in God no matter what. Today’s storm will bring tomorrow’s rainbow. So I should not fear! The Son who shines brightest after the darkest storm, has overcome the world.

It is easier to enjoy walking in divine health after being sick (my illness in 2014). I can understand great freedom after I had been unbound (worked our way out of debt). I can now appreciate true joy knowing the aching pain of tragedy (my father's death).

At anytime, God can free me from the heavy weight that may be on my heart. Just ask God to set me free, to calm the waters of my stirred-up soul, and have faith that the answer is already on the way!  My God can, and will!