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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

God’s Favor Bring Peace

In review of Psalm 35:27 it says, "But give great joy to all who wish me well. Let them shout with delight, “Great is the Lord who enjoys helping his child!”

Bottom Line:
Let them see how the Lord delights in the well being of his followers.

What this means to me:
In what I do, let them see that the Lord is good, and that he delights in the well being of his servants.

Psalm 35 is a prayer from David to God for help against those who try to inflict injury for no reason (it was likely the time when he was being hunted by Saul). It teaches me that When my enemies are unjust and lie about me, even as I do them good, I can always appeal to God who will always be just.

David was sad when his prayers for this oppression seemed to go "unanswered." Likewise when my deliverance is delayed, I may assume that God hasn't answered my prayers. However, I can be assured that God hears every prayer, but he answers according to his wisdom, not mine. I shouldn't let the absence of an immediate answer cause me to doubt or resent God. Instead, I can let it be an occasion in which to help deepen my faith and in my knowing that he won’t rip me off.

David had cried out to God to defend him, especially as people wrongly accused him. If I find myself unjustly accused, my natural reaction may also be to lash out in revenge or to give a detailed defense of my every move. This passage teaches me that instead of taking matters into my own hands that I should ask God to fight the battle for me. He will clear my name in the eyes of those who really matter.

While my circumstances may not always look favorable, I shouldn’t let it disrupt my acceptance of God’s gifts. He has made His best available to me. I can adopt the phrase of “by the grace of God, I am blessed and highly favored!

Incorporating this statement into my life will help transform my outlook. I will be able to see the streams of living water in my life.

It’s important for me to remember that favor isn’t “every day filled with sunshine and roses.” Favor means that I can have the peace of God as the storm rages on. It means that I can walk through the fire and not get burned.