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Friday, June 2, 2017

The Lord Protects Those Who Love Him

In review of Psalm 145:19 it says, “He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him,He also will hear their cry and save them.
Bottom Line:
Trust and hold him in reverence, for He will fulfill your desires and rescue you.
What this means to me:
When I take God seriously He hears my cries for help and rescues me. He will satisfy all the desires of my heart.

So what does favor look like?

God’s Word says the blessings of the Lord will make you rich and he adds no sorrow to it. There lots of wealthy people who do not possess true joy because they equate happiness with their earthly possessions. But the world can’t supply happiness and peace. And thankfully, it can’t take away true happiness and peace, the kind that comes from the Lord.
When God showers me with blessings, there will be not mistaking the source. His presence saturates the room and satisfies my desires. Yet I often make him my last resort. I should strive to ask Him first the next time I feel empty or discouraged. His word tells me that He longs to commune with me and satisfy me with Himself.

The favor of God surrounds my life each and every day. I should not survey my circumstances to see if my life “looks” favored. My problems were solved, my needs were filled, my enemies were outnumbered, even before the troubles began. I can have confidence that as I trust God, He will provide.