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Friday, May 26, 2017

Bringing Joy To God

In review of Psalm 147:5 it says, “Great is our Lord, and mighty in power, his understanding is infinite”
Bottom Line:
How great he is! His power is absolute! His understanding is unlimited.

What this means to me:
Great is my God, His power and understanding are unlimited, even beyond comprehension.

Today I’m reminded of the importance of bringing joy to God. So what gives God Joy? Although God created everything, his greatest joy comes from my genuine worship and trust.

Often I feel as if I really don't understand myself; what I want, how I feel, what's wrong with me, or even what I should do about it. But today I’m reminded that God's understanding has no limit, and therefore he understands me fully.

The world will try to tell me what I can and can’t do, what is socially acceptable, what is politically correct. There are rules for what I can say, what I can wear, how I must act in social settings so as not to offend the sensibilities of those around me. There are limitations on the limitations and fine print for the fine print.

But with God there is no limit.. Ever. He is my great supply, faithful to me me right where I am.

When people tell me something cannot be done, I know that they do not set the limits for what I can accomplish by God’s might. Only the Lord sets the parameters for His children, and the Word says no good thing will He withhold from those who diligently seek Him.

Today, I can know that nothing is impossible for me. I can start out today with confidence, and head straight for the finish line, because God will help me trudge through each and every mile if I will hand Him the reins and let Him take control.

Over, when I feel troubled and don't understand, I can keep in mind that God understands me perfectly. My best course of action is to take my mind off of myself and focus it on God. I should strive to become more and more like him. The more I learn about God and his ways, the better I'll understand myself.