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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Meekness Is Not The Same As Weakness

In review of Matthew 5:5 it says, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth”

Bottom Line:
Blessed are the meek, for they will receive what God has promised.

What this means to me:
I will be blessed for being meek and humble. I will receive what God has promised.

Today's passage comes from Matthew 5 where Jesus is teaching about the beatitudes. Jesus tells us that God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, those who are meek and humble, those who hunger and thirst for justice, those who are merciful, whose hearts are pure, those who work for peace and those who are persecuted for doing right.

In order to make healthy choices I need to have to learn and practice being meek. Matthew 5:5 says, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (NIV).

Scripture lists many benefits of meekness: The meek will be satisfied (Psalm 22:26); God will guide them (Psalm 25:9); they will become wise (Proverbs 11:2); they will be filled with fresh joy (Isaiah 29:19).

However, the term “meek” is not really understood. In fact it is often confused with another term that sounds like it; “meek” sounds like “weak.” Nobody wants to be weak, so nobody wants to be meek.

What I have learned is that meekness and weakness are at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Meekness is in no way weakness. In fact, the Greek word for meekness literally means “strength under control.” To be meek is not to be weak. It’s used to describe a wild stallion that has been tamed. That stallion still has all the strength it had when it was wild, but now its strength is under control. It is strength bottled up for the master’s use. God doesn’t want me to be weak, but he does want me to be meek. The Bible teaches that it’s one of the keys to stress reduction in your life.

Here’s a simple definition of the word meek: Let go, and let God. That is the essence of meekness. It is surrendering, submitting, and agreeing to what God wants to do in your life. It’s letting God be God in your life. Let go, and let God.

If I can begin to practice it, I’m sure it will relieve stress and eliminate worry. If I’ll let go and let God, it will defuse anger and end any hurt and resentment.

Today I will consider what areas of life I need to surrender so that God can take control.