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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Learning To Live Responsibly

In review of Ephesians 5:15 it says, “Live life, then, with a due sense of responsibility, not as men who do not know the meaning and purpose of life but as those who do.” (Ephesians 5:15 Phillips)

Bottom Line:
Be very careful in how you live; not as unwise but as wise people

What this means to me:
I should live life very carefully, like someone with a sense of responsibility and not as someone who is foolish, or doesn’t know the meaning and purpose of life.

I have been blessed with abilities that God has given me, even if at times I need others to point them out to me. However, I’m learning that one of my greatest abilities is responsibility.

Responsibility is my ability to respond to life. It’s what makes me human, and it’s a gift from God. Much of my life hasn’t been in my control. For instance I didn’t choose where I was born. I didn’t choose who my parents would be. I didn’t choose how my parents would raise me. I didn’t choose the unique gifts and talents I brought into the world.

Responsibility is how I handle everything else. God has given me the freedom to respond to what comes my way. How I respond to what life throws at me impacts my life more than any other factor.

In fact, in many ways, life is a test of how I handle responsibility. I will spend only a fraction of my life on this side of eternity. God doesn’t care about my achievements while I’m here on this earth. He is much more interested in my character.

Life today is merely a warmup act for what’s to come. God is testing my responsibility for what’s going to happen later on. God put me on this earth primarily for two reasons: to know him personally and to develop character.

It seems our culture is continually moving toward a lack of responsibility. Seems the general motto is: “I’m not responsible for anything. It’s not my fault.”

This view is in stark contrast with what the Bible says. “Live life, then, with a due sense of responsibility, not as men who do not know the meaning and purpose of life but as those who do” (Ephesians 5:15 Phillips).

As a follower of Jesus, I already know that he is the one who gives meaning to life. I can live responsibly because I know I’m a steward of this life he has given me. A responsible person will make the most of the life they have been given.

The key for today is, how will I use the life I have been given?  In summary, I should live life very carefully, like someone with a sense of responsibility and not as someone who is foolish, or doesn’t know the meaning and purpose of life.  I can live in the light and by the spirit's power, and make the most of every opportunity, not acting thoughtlessly but knowing what God wants for me.