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Monday, October 5, 2015

My Life Can Have Eternal Importance

In review of Romans 12:5 it says, “Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body.”

Bottom Line:
Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body

What this means to me:
I find my meaning and usefulness as I join in with others and function as part of his body.

In this life I will end up giving my life for something. It could be a career, sport, hobby, or pursuit of wealth or fame. However in the long run, none of these will have any lasting significance.

What I’m learning is that service is the pathway to real significance. It is through this type of ministry that I discover the meaning of my life. The Bible says, “Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body” (Romans 12:5 MSG).

As I serve together in God’s family, my life will take on eternal importance. God wants to use me to make a difference in the world. He wants to work through me. What matters is not the duration of my life but the donation of it. Not how long I lived, but how I lived.

In summary, I will find my meaning and usefulness as I join in with others and function as part of his body. I find it most interesting that God would choose to have me find my meaning and function not on my own, but rather in conjunction with others. I thank you God for helping myself and my wife find a place where we can plug in, partner with and serve at. My life has eternal importance and God wants to use me to make a difference to those around me. My life will matter most in how I use it to serve and make a difference.