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Monday, February 2, 2015

Wise Investments For Money

In review of Luke 16:9 it says, “Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.”

Bottom Line:
Jesus tells them to use worldly wealth to make friends, so that when their worldly wealth gives out, they will be welcomed into an eternal home.

What this means to me:
I am to use my worldly wealth to benefit others and make friends. Then once these earthly things are gone, I can be welcomed into an eternal home filled with friends.

In summary, the best use of my money will be for things that get people into Heaven.  In Luke 16:9 Jesus says to, “Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home” (NLT).

Jesus is saying that, just like the shrewd manager who made friends he could count on later, I need to use some of my money to make eternal friends that I will have forever in Heaven and who will welcome me when I get there.

So Jesus is not saying that I can purchase my salvation or buy my way into Heaven. This is impossible, because Jesus has already paid that price on the cross. Salvation is a free gift by grace.

Rather, Jesus is telling me to use your money here on earth to build friendships, ones that will go on and on for eternity. When I use my money to help other people meet Jesus, I will make friends for eternity and thus will gain benefits from it.

Ultimately, one day I’m going to die. It would be great to have a hundred people standing at the entrance, clapping and cheering and saying that, “They've been waiting for me! They are here because I spent some money to tell them the Good News. They are my friends for eternity, grateful for my investment. If it hadn't been for the way I used my money, they wouldn't have heard how to get to Heaven.”

So, I need to evaluate how I’m using my money and making sure that I’m using it for that kind of thing.  I should ask myself, will there be anyone in Heaven because of my investment and because of the way I used my money?

In the end, I won’t be able take it with me, however I can send some of it ahead by investing in people who would be going to Heaven.

As I get ready for a change in where I live and establish an updated spending plan, it will be important for me to prioritize some of that spending so that I can have an eternal impact of this nature. Also, I should continue doing what I can to meet with others regardless of where I’m at so that I can invest in eternal friendships.