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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Five Things To Do in the Middle of the Storm

In review of Matthew 14:30 it says, “But when [Peter] saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. ‘Save me, Lord!’ he shouted.”

Bottom Line:
Like Peter, we get nervous and frightened when we focus on our situation and what we can’t control.

What this means to me:
Like Peter, when I see or notice that things that are up against me, I become scared and get a sinking feeling. When this happens, I ultimately end up shouting out for God to save me. But the great thing to remember is that when I go through a storm, God will never be far away or uninvolved. He is “I Am,” and he is working in my life for my good. However, he has some things he wants me to do. He wants me to:
. To have courage, because Jesus is with me. I don’t need to argue with a fear. I just tell it where to go. Tell it to go talk to Jesus.
. To take a risk in faith. Never ask God to bless what I’m doing. Rather, do what God is blessing. Ask him what he wants me to do, and then be willing to get out of the boat in an instant to do it.
. Stay focused on Jesus. The moment I take my eyes off the Lord, I’ll go under. Matthew 14:30 says, “But when [Peter] saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. ‘Save me, Lord!’ he shouted” (NIV). When I focus on the wind and the waves, “my circumstances”, just like Peter, I’ll sink. If I look at the world, I’ll be distressed; if I look within, I’ll be depressed; if I look at Christ, I’ll be at rest.
. Don’t doubt. I don’t need great faith to make it through the storm, I just need faith in the right person.
. Praise God. Even in the storm, even when I feel like I’m sinking, even when I’m scared to death; praise him all the time. Thank God in the middle of the storm.
The next time I face a storm, I’ll consider why God is letting me go through it. I’m sure He’s letting me go through it for the same reasons he sent the disciples into the storm; to communicate to me that, “I’m all you need. I can handle anything. I will come to you in the ninth hour. And I’ll come walking on the very thing that scares you the most. I’m not asking you to come to me. I’m going to come to you. Stop being afraid, and totally trust me in faith.” It is going through the storms in life where I can personally see God at work. This combined with my regular quiet time allows me to know that he’s on my side and only wants the best for me. Its important that I not let anything crowd me out from spending time with him daily.