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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Learning to Sing My Thanks to the Lord

In review of Psalm 147:7 it says, "Sing out your thanks to him; sing praises to our God."

Bottom Line:
Sing out your thanks and praises to God with melody.

What this means to me:
This passage reminds me that, I am to sign out my thanks to the Lord. I am to sing praises to God with melody of music to accompany me. Several versions of this verse include using a harp or making melody to God on the lyre. As in the case of all instrumental music among the Hebrews, the harp and lyre were used principally as an accompaniment to the voice. Instruments were used on joyous occasions, such as banquets and festive processions. So, learning to thank God for what he has given me is an important part of my spiritual journey. One of the most important ways to show gratitude is by singing. The Bible says, "Sing out your thanks to him; sing praises to our God" (Psalm 147:7a LB). Nothing can help me be aware of God's presence more quickly than singing praises to Him. It doesn’t matter how much musical talent I have. The Bible urges me to make a joyful noise. Even pigs do that as they eat! If pigs can make a joyful noise, so can I. Christianity is a singing faith. There are more songs about Jesus Christ than anything or anyone else, even love. That’s why its important for me to be part of a local church. It’s not just about listening to a weekly message from the Bible. At least once a week, I need the emotional expression that comes from singing thanks to God. Failure to do so will make a heart shrivel. I can’t be a healthy Christian on sermons alone. I need both the impression from the message and the expression through the music. Rick Warren mentioned, “I have discovered that the times when I least feel like singing are when I need to do it the most. When my heart is cold, I need to be renewed, restored, and recharged through singing thanks to God. In my hectic schedule, I find listening to music and singing praise to God renews my soul.” I have found this to be turn in my own life. Therefore, I should turn on my favorite worship songs and find a Christian radio station to listen to in the car, and sing along, thanking God for all he has given me. And making a joyful noise to the Lord while I’m at it.