In review of Philippians 1:3 it says, “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.”
Bottom Line:
Every time I think of you, I thank my God.
What this means to me:
When I think of others in my life, I should give thanks to God for them and what they mean to me. Studies show a linkage between gratitude and happiness; the more grateful you are, the happier you will be. From what I’m learning, healthy relationships start with an attitude of gratitude. Philippians 1:3 says, “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God” (NLT). I have to admit, that when I think of the people in my life, my first feeling is not always gratitude. Paul’s first thought for his friends was one of gratitude, and it is the model I should follow if I want my relationships to last. Often the longer I know someone, the more likely I’m to take that person for granted. The longer I know someone, the easier it is to focus on that person’s faults and the bad times instead of the happy times. It will take effort on my part to display gratitude for all the people in my life. Developing the habit of giving thanks to God when I think of my parents, siblings, neighbors, co-workers, and small group members, will have an eternal impact on my relationships. In my prayer and quiet times I do thank God for those who are closest to me. I need to start expanding this beyond my immediate family. I believe God is telling me this morning that the more grateful I am, the happier I’ll be.