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Monday, December 9, 2013

Learning To Really Hear From God

In reviewing Deuteronomy 4:29 it says, “You will search again for the LORD your God. And if you search for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him.”

Bottom Line:
When you search for the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, you will find him.

What this means to me:
I can always find God when I search for him with all my heart and soul.  Likewise, I’m not going to hear God unless I really want to hear him. It’s a necessity!  God won’t tell me about his dream for my life if he knows that I just debate it.  He won’t tell me why he put me here on earth for just to say, “let me think about it.”  King David wrote in the book of Psalms, “My God, I want to do what you want” and “What I want most of all and at all times is to honor your laws” (Psalm 40:8 NCV, Psalm 199:20 CEV).  David was passionate in his declaration that what he wanted most of all was to honor God. Being obedient and following God were not options for him. It was the only thing David wanted to do. He used words for seeking God like, “I long for it,” “I crave it,” “I hunger for it,” and “I’m like a deer panting for water.”  When I have that kind of desire I’ll hear from God.  I often find myself talking to God but not really listening.  This is like me talking to my wife but never having her talk back to me.  I need to strive for a conversation. It’s important for me to not only talk but to listen to God.  I need to adjust my quiet times to make sure that I’m listening for what he wants to tell me.  I need to search for him and listen for his voice.  Today I will ponder what I can do to slow and quiet my life down so that I can hear him clearly.