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Monday, May 20, 2013

Learning To Surrender to God's Loving Control

In summary of Romans 5:1 it says,
“Since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.”

Bottom Line:
We are made right in God’s sight by our faith.  We have peace because of what Christ did for us.

What this means to me:
When I put my faith and trust in the Lord I became right in God’s sight.  I know have peace because of what Jesus Christ my Lord has done.  The best evidence of a deep, personal, satisfying peace of mind comes from a complete surrender of the control of my life totally to God.  And obedience is outward evidence of this surrendered life. When God says, “Do it!” I need to do it. It shouldn’t matter to me if I don’t understand it, if anybody else is doing it, if it’s possible or not, if it’s hard or easy. I just need to do it.  
Listening to God’s Word and following his direction, will result in peace in my life.  The greatest stress will only come from me continuing to control my life and the outcomes.  If I put God in control He will help relieve my worry, guilt, bitterness, resentment, anxiety, fear, fatigue, depression, and despair.  God offers peace, power, strength, wisdom, purpose, meaning, eternal life, significance, and joy.  So Today I pray,
“Dear Father, you know how I have resented the problems in my life, and you know how I have resisted the things that have caused me pain that I can’t change. You know that I’ve asked you many times for an explanation that has never come.
Today, I want to stop fighting you over things I don’t understand. Forgive me. I want to begin the path of personal peace. So I ask you for help. Help me to change the things that I can, and help me to accept the things that cannot be changed. Help me, Jesus, to trust in your loving care when things don’t make sense. Help me to trust that you are a good God and that you have my best interest at heart.
Today, I make an unconditional surrender of all my life to your loving care and control. Please give me your strength and wisdom and peace and purpose. I want to make peace with God by faith so that I can have the peace of God through you, Jesus Christ. Amen.”