In summary of 1 Peter 5:7 it says to “Give all your anxiety to him because he cares for you”
Bottom Line:
You can give all of your worries over to him, he cares about you.
What this means to me:
I should decide upfront and in my heart (once and for all) to give or turn all of my worries, anxieties and cares over to God. God shows me in his Word that he takes a personal concern over me and will care for worries me. I should never think to myself that “nobody knows what I’m going through or nobody knows the pain I’m experiencing” because God knows! He already knows all of my feelings and frustrations even before I tell him. There is no hurt in my life that would go unnoticed by Him because he is my father; one who is tender and compassionate toward me. God knows all of the causes, the reasons, the things that brought me to this point. He fully understands because he is the one who made me. He sees the hurt in my heart like nobody else ever could. Because he knows what my frustrations and despairs are, I can give those feelings I have back to him, I can cast them all permanently back to him, once and for all, and then, never take them back. Even though I know this, I often default into dwelling on my problems and worries, trying to solve things for myself. I am thankful for this reminder through his word, that whenever I start to feel worries or concerns that I can instead just turn them into prayers asking God to take them from me and to handle things in the way he knows best for me. I also need to remember that he always has my best interest in mind and that whatever happens will be used by him to grow my faith and to fulfill his purposes. One of the immediate benefits of casting my fears and worries onto him is the immediate peace that he grants me about the situation, especially as I trust him with the outcome.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
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