In summary of Matthew 6:8 it says, “Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!”
Bottom line:
Don’t be like others, God knows what you’re dealing with even before you ask him.
What this means to me:
This verse reminds me that God knows everything that causes worry and stress in my life. At times I act as if God is unaware of these stresses. I get uptight, upset, and then worry kicks in about the issue. However I what I need to realize is that worry on my part is a result of me forgetting about the omniscience of God. When I don’t think that God knows about or cares about what’s going on, I begin to take matters into my own hands; in effect I take on God’s role for myself. Worrying on my part is the taking on the responsibility for things God never intended for me to have. In reality, God is fully aware of all my needs, whether it be financial, spiritual, sexual, social or emotional. In fact, he knows what I need even before I ask it. When I pray this is never about giving information to Him, he already knows. God is waiting for me to ask HIm for help, so praying is my way to ask him for help. So I shouldn’t be like the masses who take matters into their own hands. I’m dealing with my Father in heaven and he knows exactly what I need even before I ask him. So I ask the Holy Spirit to remind me when I start worrying that I should stop, and realize God knows all and cares. Then I can go to God in prayer and ask for his help.
Friday, February 8, 2013
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