In summary of Romans 5:3-4 it says, “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.”
Bottom Line:
We can continue to shout our praise even when problems, pressures and trials come. They help us to develop our patience and endurance, which in turn further develops our character which strengthens our steady hope in what we believe regarding salvation.
What this means to me:
In the end, I’ll take nothing with me other than myself (my character.) God is more interested in what I become rather than what I achieve. In my life I will not be able to get away from temptation. The closer I get to God the more I become an enemy of Satan and the more he will try to tempt me. I can however count on the fact that God gives me a greater strength to resist it. When I tempted to be unkind, angry, prideful or greedy I need to remind myself that its not only an opportunity to do good but also an opportunity to grow in character. Instead of getting upset or angry I can pray for those who offend me instead of getting mad (use it as an opportunity to praise God.) This should help frustrate Satan and help me grow naturally in a godly character as I apply God’s word to my life.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
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