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Monday, January 28, 2013

A Guide To Help

In summary of Psalm 25:9 it says, “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.”

Bottom Line:
If you are humble he will lead you in what is right and guides you in his way.

What this means to me:
In order to be guided or teached I need to first be humble (not a know it all.)  Secondly I need to admit that I need a guide.  Both of these are hard, they go against my natural pull.  Like a sheep, I tend to wander off of the path and have poor vision. I don’t always want to follow or admit I need direction. I need to remember that my lack of being able to see what’s ahead or in the future is by God’s design.  He did this so that I would turn and depend on him.  I need to be careful of paths I’m choosing that I’m not including God in.  It may seem right to me, but some paths lead to dead ends, destruction or getting me off track.  When I am humble he will guide me step-by-step and help me make decisions, allowing me to keep on the right path.  This is why I need to admit, “God I need your help.”  Today I will reflect on this and see if I’m doing larger decisions on my own.  If so, I need to ask God for his direction.