In summary of 1 John 1:8 it says, “If we say that we have not sinned, we are only fooling ourselves and the truth isn’t in our” hearts.
Bottom Line:
If you think you haven’t sinned, you’re not thinking clear - you’re fooling yourself and the truth he has taught is not imbedded in your heart.
What this means to me:
Thinking that I don’t have any sin in my life (refusing to admit it), will only delude and lead myself astray. If I do so then the truth presented by his word is not something that my heart has adopted. In reality his word can be more like a mirror which reflects where I’m missing the mark. God is gracious and will forgive my sins if I come to him and confess/admit how I’ve been off-track and ask for his forgiveness. What I need to be careful of is masking a habit and not seeing it for what it is - sin. I need to be careful not to blame my circumstances on others or try to take the focus off of myself instead of admitting my own faults. I also need to be careful to not make excuses or pretend there is nothing wrong. As mentioned above, I need to face it head on and own it without any “but’s” at the end. This verse this morning is great reminder that my life is filled with things that miss the mark and that I’d only be fooling myself to think they are not there. There are some big areas I’m working on with him to change and the key for me is to not sweep it under the carpet but to bring them out and deal with them. I do realize this life is a training ground for eternity I’ll be a work in progress till the time he calls me to be with him.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
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