In summary of Luke 9:62 it says, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow but keeps looking back (to the things of the past) is not fit for advancing the Kingdom of God.”
Bottom Line:
If you keep looking backward (to the things of the past) you can’t really move ahead and be effective in building the Kingdom.
What this means to me:
This verse reminds me that if I’m looking back to things of the past or if I’m procrastinating (one my default actions) I won’t really be making a difference for the Kingdom (advancing God’s goals/desires.) I really shouldn’t put God’s Kingdom off till tomorrow. I need to seize what’s in front of me right now, seize the moment. Whatever it is I’m going to do, I need to do it, I can wait till next year, next month, next week or tomorrow. I need to be thinking about seizing what is right in front of me. I already know that procrastination is one of my biggest personal issues and struggles. I sometimes think that by procrastinating it will make life easier whereas it often just adds stress. The fact is that I already know what the right things are to do and what the benefits are that come from doing them. Scripture reminds me that I should never presume upon tomorrow, as I’m not guaranteed a tomorrow. So whatever it is that I’m going to do, I better get after it now. So today I will consider what areas in my life that I need to stop procrastinating in and instead consider what would I want to accomplish if today was all I had left.
Friday, September 7, 2012
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