In summary of Mark 10:52 it says, “Jesus spoke to him, “you may go, for your faith has healed you.” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road.”
Bottom Line:
Faith is what is needed to move ahead.
What this means to me:
There are two fundamental things I must do in order to move forward. First, I need to hand my concern over to God, and secondly I need to take the next step knowing that God will do what is best for me (not always what I think is best, but what he knows is best.) Like the blind man in this passage it requires me to put my faith in Him. I am fortunate that I have actually seen God prove himself as being trustworthy to me time after time (there’s a great track record.) I have seen him come through and it’s always what I need, even when it involves discomfort or pain. Also, like the blind man, I can ask God to help me overcome problems, or provide guidance in decisions. The key is to not ask for selfish means but to ask for the things I need, fears I have or things that will progress him and his kingdom to others. Then I take the next steps he has laid out for me in his word. It is only after I step forward in faith that God will likely begin to work. I also need to seize the moment and recognize when God presents to me an opportunity. This will likely include moving against my fears. I need to just affirm my faith and the changes I’d like to see in my life and receive God’s grace. The blind man in the passage seized the opportunity to call out to Jesus when he walked by, he expressed his belief in who Jesus was and what he could do for him, then accepted the grace that allowed him to see again. So no matter what is happening or what mistakes I’m making, Jesus can provide a fresh start. Its not something I can earn by doing good works, but only something I can receive as a gift from him. Today, I need to think about what things I may be holding onto (not letting go, thinking I can do it on my own) and then take the next step/action. I need to do the things he has already told me to do.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
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