In summary of Matthew 6:33 it says, "More than anything else, live righteously putting God’s work first and do what he wants. Then you will find that He will give you everything you need."
Bottom Line:
Seek first all things related to his kingdom and his way of doing things and do them, then the things He already knows you need will be given to you.
What this means to me:
God already knows perfectly well what I need. He will give it to me if I give him first place in my life and live as he would want me to live. God knows my real needs, so this means that he will grant all my selfish desires. If I line my will up to his, I will end up with new desires that are in line with his and he will provide for my basic needs while I pursue his kingdom/ways. To give God first place in my life I need to aim or strive after things of his kingdom and his ways of doing things / right thinking. Then I can just trust enough to never worry about my circumstances. When I worry I’m in essence saying that it all depends on me and not him. I always want to trust God with my life. He word tells me that anything I put above God will become a source of anxiety. I need to remember my security is not in what I have in the bank or own but rather Him and that he has already solved the biggest problem I could ever have faced by saving me. I am going to trust God to do what he says he’ll do, and as evidence, I will trust enough to do what he tells me to do. I will reflect some today on anything I may be giving a higher priority than God and reverse it.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
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