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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Issue Is Not If God Can Be Trusted

In summary of Psalm 33:4-5 it says, "The word of the is Lord is solid, right and holds true, we can trust everything he does in good faith.  He loves what is righteousness, just and good; the unfailing love of the Lord fills the whole earth."

Bottom Line:
What God says and does is solid, right and holds true.  We can trust everything that he does.  He loves what is righteous and just.  The unfailing love of our Lord fills the earth.

What this means to me:
God has proven himself trustworthy, he is sovereign, he is ruler of the universe, and powerful enough to overcome any problem or defeat any enemy.  God is love, he is patient and kind, never rude or self-seeking, he’s not easily angered and he keeps no record of wrongs for those who have adopted his son as their lead in their lives.  He does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  He always protects, persevered and never fails.  God is always fair, he’s pure and honest.  He cannot break a promise.  What he says and does is solid and unchanging.  He will always will always do what is right and just.  The earth is full of his loving kindness.  With all God is, why is it that I sometimes struggle with my ability to trust him, he has proven himself time and time again.  I think what happens for me is that I turn my focus off of him and to myself.  I need to remind myself daily that God is for me and will never rip me off.  I should do what he instructs of me, this way I can be of service to him and to those he has put around me.  I pray today that I may learn to trust him more and receive the peace that only he can provide.