In summary of 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says, "Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come."
Bottom Line:
Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. Their old life is gone (their past is forgotten); and a new life has begun.
What this means to me:
When I decided to make Christ the leader of my life and admit my wrong doing, ask for his forgiveness he cleared the slate for me (forgets about my past) and makes me a new person from the inside out. A fresh and new life has begun in me. My identity is based largely on my choices. So, I can choose to get healthier; I may ever be the fittest person, however, I can find ways to increase my energy, lower stress, get more sleep and how more power for living. I can also choose to deepen my relationships by reducing fear of rejection, I can learn better communication skills, reach out and risk connecting with someone allowing love to be my highest goal. I can choose to trust God no matter what happens and have a confidence that built on my relationship with him. I can also choose what I allow in my mind and what I think about; I can feed my mind with God’s word and truth. And I can choose Jesus as my savior every day allowing him to give me the power to follow through on the choices I make. I can choose how much God will bless me by changing in these areas.
Here’s my prayer for today:
“Dear God, there are some things you’ve dealt me and life has dealt me and others have dealt me that I don’t like. But I thank you for the wild card. Thank you that you made me in your image and that I can make choices. Today, in your power and your strength, I choose to get healthier. I choose to do the things that will give me more energy and a healthier mind, body, and emotions. Lord, I choose to build healthy relationships. I’m scared to death, but I’m going to risk building new, healthy connections. I want love to be my highest goal; I want my life to be built on love. “God, I choose to trust you regardless of the circumstances. I will praise you no matter what happens! I will trust that every detail of my life is being worked out for good. Lord, I choose what I will think about — no more junk. Help me to fill my life with positive memories and the Word of truth. Most of all, Jesus, I choose you as my savior. I need your salvation, but I also need you to save me from myself. I need you to help me rewire my body, my heart, my mind, and my relationships so that the rest of my life is the best of my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
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