In summary of Psalm 55:22 it says, "Give your burdens to the Lord, he will take care of you and make that load lighter. He will support and sustain in these times. He will not permit his consistent followers to be shaken or to slip and fall into ruin."
Bottom Line:
What ever is weighing you down, don’t hold onto it. Give it to God. He has told us that if we do he will take care of you, he will help support and sustain you. God does not permit those who consistently follow him to be shaken or to slip and fall into ruin.
What this means to me:
Some translations state that I am to cast or pile my burdens unto the Lord for he will support me and take care of me. This means I can release the weight of burdens on him. He will sustain me and not allow me to fall due to the load. He will not let me, as one of his consistent followers to be shaken or to falter. So this morning I reflect and realize that there are some things I’m not taking to the Lord. I’m using my own strength to handle them. So I turn to God this morning and lay them at his feet and ask for his support. I am giving these to God and asking him to guide me through the appropriate steps that I will need to take.
Friday, July 27, 2012
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